I bought this bean seed from Peace Seedlings at the Corvallis farmers market last summer. This was the first year that I'd planted beans from seeds, not plant starts, and I thought about Jack and the Beanstalk as I poked seeds into soil. That was a week ago.
I wasn't thinking about blogs at the time.
On a sunny day this weekend, the plant burst from the soil and sprouted leaves. Soil and water intersected with sun and seed at just the right time and the bean sprang forth.
But what do bean seeds have to do with blog posts?
Finding Intersections
After I planted the bean seeds, I read the Medici Effect: What Elephants and Epidemics can Teach Us about Innovation by Frans Johansson. Though the book isn't new, I hadn't read it before and I became fascinated with the concepts of brainstorming and linking unalike concepts. I became a little obsessed about looking for quirky connections, like beans and blogs, in posts of popular longtime bloggers.
I found the most intriguing intersection posts were linked to celebrity. These bloggers linked in amazing ways. Check out these posts:
- Copyblogger-- Blogging Lessons from the Girl With the Dragon Tatoo or Six Unfair Market Advantages You Should Steal from Apple and the Charlie Sheen Guide to Winning at Online Marketing
- Remarkablogger: post on What Brittany Spears Can Teach You About Blogging or Eight Monster Lessons Lady Gaga can Teach You About Marketing
This isn't a shortcut to great content and consistent message, but wrapping your content around a current odd ball news topics, even the current celebrity meltdowns, can bring your post into the present moment. Current newsworthy mentions--whether books, singers, movies or politicians--makes readers smile and encourages them to return to your posts.
Clever titles and good content, can grow your platform and online presence like bean seeds sprouting in the sun.
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